More in Voices

Freeing Leonard Peltier Would Be a First Step Towards Justice
President Biden should honor his self-professed belief in second chances by granting clemency to Peltier and others harmed by racist laws and mass incarceration.

The Murder of Robert Brooks Shines a Light on Abuse and Racism in New York Prisons
Brooks’s murder by prison guards epitomizes a deeply ingrained culture of brutality perpetuated by New York’s refusal to hold staff accountable.

How Washington State Stifles the First Amendment for Prisoners
Public records reveal how Washington Department of Corrections uses a nebulous victim rights policy to bar incarcerated people from participating in public debates.

Our Voting Rights Have Been Restored. Here’s How We Can Use Our Power
Changes in state law mean that many more people with felony convictions will be voting in 2024 than in previous elections.

What Incarcerated People Want Voters to Remember
Most people in prison can’t vote. This is what they want you to think about when you cast your ballot.

What Incarcerated People Want Candidates to Know
Most people in prison can’t vote. That doesn’t mean they aren’t paying attention.

How a Book Club Helps Me Find Hope Behind Bars
For people trapped in prison for decades, simple things like book clubs can be a lifeline and help people cope with the realities of the prison system. Sing Sing Correctional Facility’s club has helped give me and others a sense of purpose and belonging.

How Georgia Arrests Women Who Never Committed Crimes
In Georgia, a person can be charged as a “party to a crime” for simple acts like answering a phone or loaning gas money. I—and many women incarcerated alongside me—are trapped in prison for crimes committed by men or abusive partners.

LA’s Sheriff Says He’s Banned Deputy Gangs. After My Son’s Death, How Can We Trust Him?
Los Angeles Sheriff Robert Luna said that, as of Oct. 18, deputies can no longer join internal gangs. But after stonewalling and hiding footage from my family for more than a year, I don’t believe Luna’s words mean much.

The Prison Telecom Free-For-All is Over
New rules from the Federal Communications Commission are putting the brakes on the prison telecom industry’s exploitative practices.

Calls to Defund Violence Interruption in D.C. Are Misguided
Violence interrupters work. But D.C.’s police union is trying to capitalize on a scandal to eliminate them.

Why the “Mississippi Five” Deserve Parole After 40 Years in Prison
Five women in Mississippi have been incarcerated longer than any others in the state. Each has been denied parole a multitude of times. Here, one of the women shares their stories.

How I Learned to Be the Best Dad I Can From Prison
Aging in prison meant realizing my son was also a victim of my crime due to my absence from his life. I try to do what I can on visits to help my son succeed.

For Prison Visits, Humiliation is the Price of Admission
In June, I stepped into a body scanner outside the visitation room at the Washington Corrections Center and held my breath.

‘True Crime’ Shows Exploit and Lie About Women Like Me
I’m incarcerated in a women’s prison. So-called “true crime” shows prey on us, alter our stories, and take advantage of our trauma. I would know—I’ve been the subject of at least three docudramas.

Governor Hochul Leaves New York’s Parole System in Crisis
The governor’s broken promises have perpetuated an unacceptable status quo that denies incarcerated individuals a fair and transparent process for parole decisions.

Our Fathers Were Sent to Prison and We Couldn’t Afford to Stay Connected
We are just two of millions of children who’ve experienced family separation due to incarceration and the obscene costs of prison communications. Now we fight to make these services free.

Politicians Push Failed ‘Tough-on-Crime’ Measures as Crime Rates Near Record Lows
The overall crime rate is nearly as low as it’s been in decades, but that hasn’t stopped officials from pushing draconian measures likely only to fuel mass incarceration and harm public safety. It’s time for a different approach.

Commercial Trucking and the Road from Prison to Poverty Wages
My checks came out to $300-400 weekly for about 70 hours of labor.

Police Blame Accountability for Low Recruitment. But It’s Their Only Hope.
Studies show “negative public perceptions” of police contribute to low recruitment. Stripping away police oversight will only lead to more bad press for cops.

‘Mother’s Day Will Never Be the Same.’
Two years after Elena’s death, I try to understand why I was given a child just to lose her.

‘Mama’s Gonna Mama, No Matter Where They At’
If I protect and guide someone else’s child in here, maybe someone will do mine out there.

‘I Refuse to Celebrate Mother’s Day Until We Are Together Again.’
I experienced my first childbirth while I was incarcerated in a county jail.

D.C.’s Misguided Crime Bill Delivers for Law Enforcement, Not the Community
The recently enacted Secure D.C. bill ignores demands from District residents while giving handouts to an unelected prosecutor desperate to consolidate power.