More in The Appeal Podcast

The Appeal Podcast: Documenting the Death Penalty
With Jordan Smith and Liliana Segura of The Intercept.

The Appeal Podcast: Police Abuse In American Schools
With journalist Roxanna Asgarian.

The Appeal Podcast: Locking Up Women For Killing Their Rapists
With Appeal staff reporter Lauren Gill.

The Appeal Podcast: Re-examining the Science of Shaken Baby Syndrome
With Appeal staff reporter Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg.

The Appeal Podcast: Substandard Healthcare in American Prisons
With Taylor Elizabeth Eldridge, a Type Investigations Ida B. Wells Fellow and Appeal contributor.

The Appeal Podcast: The Regressive Pseudoscience of Our ‘War on Opioid Addiction’
With Appeal contributor Zachary Siegel, a journalism fellow at Northeastern University Law School’s Health in Justice Action Lab, and Lev Facher of STAT News.

The Appeal Podcast: The Cruel Roadblocks to Getting Innocent People Out of Prison
With Daniel Harawa, assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis School of Law.

The Appeal Podcast: Imagining A Post-Incarceration World
With Danielle Sered of Common Justice

The Appeal Podcast: States Turn To Nitrogen Gas For Executions, Despite Serious Concerns
With Appeal staff reporter Lauren Gill

The Appeal Podcast: When Criminal Justice Reform Preserves The Status Quo
With Civil Rights Corps founder Alec Karakatsanis

The Appeal Podcast: When Police Officers Double as Prosecutors
With Appeal contributors Julia Rock and Harry August

The Appeal Podcast: A Lack of Basic Rights for Incarcerated Workers
With journalist Sessi Kuwabara Blanchard

U.S. Prisoners on Death Row Endure Permanent Solitary Confinement Before Execution
With Appeal staff reporter Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg

The Appeal Podcast: The War on Drugs Continues In Family Court
With Miriam Mack and Elizabeth Tuttle Newman of The Bronx Defenders

The Appeal Podcast: Chesa Boudin And The Meaning of ‘Reform’
With Chesa Boudin, candidate for San Francisco district attorney

The Appeal Podcast: The Rise of Registries
With Appeal contributor Guy Hamilton-Smith and Elizabeth Letourneau of the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

The Appeal Podcast: The Media’s Misguided Fentanyl Hype
With Appeal contributor Maia Szalavitz

The Appeal Podcast: Pleading Guilty Just To Go Home
With Appeal reporter Josh Vaughn

The Appeal Podcast: Qualified Immunity, A Roadblock to Reform
With Appeal contributors Amir H. Ali and Emily Clark of the MacArthur Justice Center

The Appeal Podcast: What’s Changed Since The 2018 Prison Strike?
With Jailhouse Lawyers Speak spokesperson and Right 2 Vote national coordinator Amani Sawari

The Appeal Podcast: American Cities’ Growing Reliance on Surveillance
With Appeal contributor Mike Hayes

The Appeal Podcast: Criminal Justice Reform Hits Roadblock in Arizona
With Caroline Isaacs of the American Friends Service Committee

The Appeal Podcast: Reframing The Bronx 120 Raid
With City University of New York law professor Babe Howell

The Appeal Podcast: Generational Harm, A Hidden Cost of Mass Incarceration
With Chicago activist Celia Colón

The Appeal Podcast: NYPD-SVU’s Low Clearance Rate for Sexual Assault
With Appeal contributor Meg O’Connor

The Appeal Podcast: Policing Public Health
With Leo Beletsky, Appeal contributor and Associate Professor of Law and Health Sciences at Northeastern University.

The Appeal Podcast: The Baltimore Police Department’s Troubled Homicide Unit
With Appeal contributor Amelia McDonell-Parry

The Appeal Podcast: The Long, Troubled History of Gravity Knife Prosecution
With Appeal contributor Jon Campbell

The Appeal Podcast: The Risks of Risk Assessment
With Hannah Sassaman and Matt Henry

The Appeal Podcast: Pushing For Police Accountability in Sacramento
With Appeal senior staff reporter Aaron Morrison

The Appeal Podcast: The Backlash Against Expanding Voting Rights
With Appeal staff reporter Kira Lerner

The Appeal Podcast: Mayor of Jackson Faces Uphill Battle for Police Accountability
With Appeal contributor Ko Bragg

The Appeal Podcast: Prisoners With Disabilities Fight for Equal Rights
With Appeal contributor Keri Blakinger

The Appeal Podcast: How Police Unions Are Fighting California’s New Transparency Law
With Appeal contributor Darwin BondGraham

The Appeal Podcast: A Pattern of Jail Deaths in Western New York—and Across the Country
With Appeal contributor Raina Lipsitz

The Appeal Podcast: Debunking the Stories About Federal Prisoners Dining on Steak
With Craig Cesal and Amy Ralston Povah

The Appeal Podcast: Brutality in Baton Rouge
With Appeal contributors Clarissa Sosin and Daryl Khan.

The Appeal Podcast: How Local Governments are Pushing Back Against ICE
With Appeal senior reporter Debbie Nathan.