More in Immigration

Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Agenda Will Be Even Harder to Stop a Second Time
A second Trump term is not only more dangerous for undocumented people and asylum seekers than life under a Democratic president. It’s poised to be catastrophic.

Investigators Wanted to Close an Abusive ICE Facility. Biden’s Administration Extended Its Contract.
The Appeal found a systemic culture of abuse and mismanagement at the Winn Correctional Center, an ICE jail in Louisiana. Biden’s administration has kept people detained there against the wishes of government investigators and multiple U.S. senators.

Brazilian Man’s Suicide Sends Shockwaves Through ‘Inhumane’ ICE Detention Center
Detainees at New Mexico’s Torrance County Detention Facility recently launched a hunger strike, motivated in part by the August death of a 23-year-old asylum seeker in custody.

Can Residents Trust Durham’s Police Chief After She Cooperated With ICE?
Patrice Andrews once promised she’d never work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. But in 2018, she directly ordered the arrest of immigration activists during an ICE deportation.

Advocates Call On Biden To Change the Narrative on Immigration and Then Change Policy
President-elect Biden has a tough road ahead in reversing the Trump administration’s damage to the immigration system. Advocates say they’ll make sure he fulfills his promises.

Biden’s Attorney General Needs to Think Like an Immigrant Rights Activist
With aggressive legal maneuvering, the incoming head of the Justice Department can reverse some of Trump’s most lasting harm and take steps toward a more humane immigration system.

Months After Supreme Court Ruling, Thousands of DACA Applicants and Recipients Remain In Limbo
“To be in the same place where I was three years ago is very frustrating,” said one teen who, like others, has seen her DACA application rejected despite a ruling in June against the Trump administration’s cancellation of the program.

New York City Laundry Workers Struggle in the Face of COVID-19
Workers report facing a difficult choice between earning a living and feeling safe and healthy at their job.

Supreme Court Blocks Trump Administration From Ending DACA, Handing A Win To ‘Dreamers’
The ruling thwarts the administration’s attempt to deport nearly 700,000 immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.

Cops, Climate, COVID: Why There Is Only One Crisis
Although the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis are both provoked by natural phenomena, the dangers they present are just as political as the crisis of police violence.

As The Trump Administration Restricts Legal Immigration, It’s Expanding A Class Of Vulnerable Guest Workers
Farmworker and labor advocates say these workers are among the most exploited in the country.

A Bailout That Excludes Immigrants Hurts Everyone
This research and analysis is part of our Discourse series. Discourse is a collaboration between The Appeal, The Justice Collaborative Institute, and Data For Progress. Its mission is to provide expert commentary and rigorous, pragmatic research especially for public officials, reporters, advocates, and scholars. The Appeal and The Justice Collaborative Institute are editorially independent projects […]

Many Undocumented Immigrants are Frontline Workers, But Their Families Can’t Get Government Aid
Advocates say states aren’t doing enough to close the gaps in the federal stimulus bill.

‘We Are Scared’: Stuck Inside ICE Detention’s Coronavirus Epicenter
People incarcerated in the Otay Mesa Detention Center decry crowded units and substandard medical care as COVID-19 tears through the facility.

The Supreme Court Buys Into Donald Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Fearmongering
Using language evoking pernicious stereotypes about immigration and crime, the Court’s conservative majority clears the way for the Trump administration to deport legal permanent residents for crimes committed long ago.

‘She Had Sweat Dripping Down From Her Hairline and Down Her Face’
A woman detained by ICE was sick with COVID-19 for days before being removed from a 50-person jail dorm in York County, Pennsylvania, according to women housed with her.

DACA Workers Are Saving COVID-19 Patients’ Lives While Worrying About Their Own
The Supreme Court will soon decide the fate of 650,000 so-called Dreamers across the country. Lawyers say terminating protections for them during a pandemic would be ‘catastrophic.’

Congress Does Not ‘Care’ About My American Family
Intentionally disqualifying millions of American citizens from much-needed stimulus funds during this unprecedented health crisis is both unnecessary and cruel.

New York City Must Take Action to Ensure the Most Vulnerable Survive the Pandemic
The city has created the structural conditions that have engendered disproportionately high rates of infection and death among its Black and Latinx residents.

Despite Coronavirus Fears, ICE Fights to Keep a Sick Michigan Man It Can’t Deport Locked Up
ICE has adopted no policies aimed at releasing any of the 38,000 people it keeps in county jails and private detention centers across the country.

Lawsuit Calls For Emergency Release of ICE Detainees in a Massachusetts County
People held in Bristol County are ‘extremely agitated and panicking’ due to unsanitary conditions and overcrowding amid the coronavirus outbreak.

‘Is My Life Not As Valuable As Yours?’ Immigration Judges Want All Courts Shut Down As Coronavirus Cases Soar
The Trump administration’s hardline immigration policies are intersecting with a highly contagious disease at a time when cities across the country are shutting down.

ICE Detainees Launch Hunger Strike Over Coronavirus Fears
Conditions at the Newark jail where the strike is taking place were dire even before the threat of COVID-19.

A Tweet Raises Questions About Immigrant Safety During Coronavirus Pandemic
As COVID-19 spreads, ICE detained a Central American immigrant in a hospital, causing confusion and raising concerns.

ICE Protester to Face Trial in ‘Build the Wall’ Sheriff’s Massachusetts County
Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson, who once offered prisoners at his jails as laborers to build the border wall, is one of many sheriffs who partners with the agency.

Immigrant DNA Collection And The Fear Of ‘Population Surveillance’
An enormous database of DNA samples could pave the way for increasingly exclusionary anti-immigrant policies

Chicago’s Gang Database Can Have ‘Devastating’ Consequences, But There’s No Way To Be Removed From It.
Social media posts, tattoos, or the unvetted word of an officer can lead to inclusion on the list, which is overwhelmingly composed of people of color.

ICE’s Fake University Seemed To Be More About Creating Fear Than Addressing Fraud
Rather than target fraudulent universities, ICE created its own to go after foreign students.

The Mississippi Raids And What Awaits Those Detained
Nearly 380 people remain in custody after ICE raids in Mississippi Wednesday. They are likely to be held in immigration detention in Louisiana, far from their families and access to legal counsel.

Targeting A Group That ‘Lends Legitimacy’ To Human Caging
The American Correctional Association has granted accreditation to includes detention centers, prisons, and jails where people are held in horrific conditions.

Spotlight: The Citizenship Question, the Supreme Court, and Who Deserves a Do-Over
What if Justice Roberts gave criminal defendants do-overs like he did for the Trump administration?

ICE Wanted To Deport Him to Jamaica. But He Was Born In The U.S.
A Philadelphia-born man was detained by ICE and nearly deported. The agency’s mistake was caught, but the case exposes a new collaborative program that encourages jails to hold immigrants for ICE.

Migrants Say They Pay For Inclusion On ‘La Lista’ To Make Border Crossing
Migrants near Brownsville, Texas say that if they don’t bribe Mexican officials they’re stuck at the bottom of a list of people seeking refuge in the U.S. via international bridges.