Tasers Can Kill. When They Don’t, They Can Still Do Lasting Damage.
A MindSite News-Medill investigation documents wide use of tasers in response to 911 mental health calls.
A MindSite News-Medill investigation documents wide use of tasers in response to 911 mental health calls.
George Floyd’s ancestors were born into slavery. Robert Samuels and Toluse Olorunnipa powerfully document Floyd’s life and lineage.
“That Black officers can also be the face of police brutality against Black people doesn’t disprove the racism at the institution’s core,” writes Ieshaah Murphy.
Organizers are calling on national support for their continued efforts to halt the construction of a police militarization facility in the Atlanta forest.
Despite a 2019 California law mandating the release of certain records related to police misconduct, law enforcement agencies in the state are still fighting records requests.
After more than a year in office—and despite pushback—the San Francisco DA’s policies have kept people out of jails and prisons.
As protests against racism and police violence were sweeping the country, a Vallejo, California detective shot and killed Sean Monterrosa. His death has galvanized a community.
Body camera video shows that Daniel Prude was complying with police when they knelt on his back and pushed his face to the ground for so long that he stopped breathing.