Prisoners Like Me Have a Responsibility to Mentor At-Risk Kids
In prison, I’ve done work to come to terms with the pain I’ve both felt and caused. Hopefully, my story—and others like it—can deter younger children from making the same mistakes.
In prison, I’ve done work to come to terms with the pain I’ve both felt and caused. Hopefully, my story—and others like it—can deter younger children from making the same mistakes.
Violence interrupters work. But D.C.’s police union is trying to capitalize on a scandal to eliminate them.
Attorneys say the district’s practice of sending armed police officers to mental health emergencies violates the Americans With Disabilities Act.
After decades of protests over police violence, many cities have created non-police crisis response teams. These unarmed first responders typically answer 911 calls for people having mental health crises. Here’s how they work.
A study found that in states requiring permits to purchase firearms, fatal and nonfatal police shootings were 28 percent lower.
A new lawsuit alleges that the city is discriminating against people with mental health disabilities by continuing to send armed officers to mental health calls.
As cities look to make new investments in non-police responses to gun violence, the Bull City United program in Durham, North Carolina, shows the importance of stable funding and sustained commitment.
For millions of families, this time of year is yet another reminder of all that is missed when a loved one is incarcerated
Some recent redevelopment projects show how the work of reforming and dismantling the prison system can move us towards a society centered around restorative justice and social wellness.
Police gave Alex Mingus an award for saving a shooting victim’s life. Mingus showed up wearing a shirt that said “Smash white supremacy”.
The intense focus on increased law enforcement spending in recent years has overshadowed a historic funding boost for community violence intervention.
Intergenerational partnerships must be prioritized amid the youth gun violence epidemic — not more police and prisons.
In Stockton, California, a police-free gun violence prevention program is standing firm against the tough-on-crime backlash.
When I was 19, I worked in an emotional support classroom in a North Philadelphia elementary school. I saw children as young as five get treated like prisoners.
Resources from organizations that have spent decades helping people access abortions and defending people who are criminalized for their pregnancy outcomes.