State Lawmakers Must Pass Bail Reform Now
Cash bail punishes the poor, keeps jails overcrowded, and destabilizes people and communities. Illinois just passed a bill to end it; other states should follow suit.
Cash bail punishes the poor, keeps jails overcrowded, and destabilizes people and communities. Illinois just passed a bill to end it; other states should follow suit.
Public transportation is a critical lifeline—it’s how people get to their jobs, doctors, food, and education. Cities should work to make it accessible and available to everyone, and the federal government must support those efforts.
In the wake of The San Francisco Chronicle’s revelation that the California District Attorneys Association has misspent $2.88 million in restricted funds, State Assemblymember Sydney Kamlager has called for investigations and hearings into the matter. Other officials must join this demand for accountability.
Jails across the country are nearing or exceeding pre-pandemic incarceration levels. Government officials—especially judges, sheriffs, and prosecutors—must work quickly to release people inside jails and divert those who are still being booked into them.
The Point Irresponsible journalism, including at some of the most respected news outlets in the country, has fueled mass incarceration. It’s time to call out these journalists—the ones who routinely fearmonger, mislead, and act as stenographers for law enforcement. We all need to hold journalists responsible for the harm they cause: We need to call […]
The Point: As many as 40 million people in America are at risk of losing their homes. Judges can play a critical role in stopping the ongoing eviction crisis. Judges have the power to keep people in their homes: Before a landlord can evict someone, they must go to court and ask a judge to […]
The Point: President Biden and the new Democrat-controlled Congress must provide real relief by sending every person in America a monthly $2,000 survival check until the pandemic ends. One more check is not enough: Instead of debating whether Americans were promised $1,400 or $2,000, Democrats should be focusing on getting recurring survival checks into the […]
The Point: There are thousands of people locked inside federal prisons who don’t need to be there. Through clemency, a singular power and responsibility that the Constitution entrusts to the president, President Biden can return people back to their communities and homes. Biden can and should prioritize the clemency power to release people from federal […]