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The Point

Mass Clemency Is a Necessary Response to Mass Incarceration

The Point Clemency is a powerful tool for correcting the injustices of the criminal legal system. Governors who have this power should use it to immediately send thousands of people home from prison to their families and communities.  Governors must use clemency to address mass criminalization and its harms: Governors should use categorical clemency, which […]

Eviction Records Should Be Expunged

The filing of an eviction—even without merit—can prevent someone from renting a future home, ruin a person’s credit, and even hurt employment and insurance prospects. It is time for government officials to put protections in place to prevent the long-term damage that eviction records cause.

States Should Make Schools Police-Free

Millions of students go to schools with a constant police presence but no readily available counselors, nurses, psychologists, or social workers. States should remove police from schools and shift that funding to professionals trained to support students.

Prosecutors Need Conviction Integrity Units That Work

Over the past 32 years, more than 2,500 people have been exonerated—many of whom were convicted because of police or prosecutorial misconduct. Prosecutors have a responsibility to meaningfully review claims of innocence and swiftly correct those injustices.

Houston Must Stop Neglecting Its Rising Jail Population

COVID-19 has spread rapidly through the Harris County Jail, increasing the risk of infection and fatality not just in the jail, but the surrounding community. Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo must immediately take steps to reduce its jail population.

Cities Should Repeal “Crime-Free” Housing Laws

Many cities have laws that require landlords to kick people out of their homes if the police are called too many times—even if the calls are the result of domestic violence or racial discrimination. Cities need to get rid of these so-called “crime-free” housing laws.

Biden Should Cancel Student Debt

43 million people face difficulties buying homes, starting businesses, completing their education, or supporting their families because of federal student loans that collectively amount to $1.57 trillion of debt. Biden can get rid of it entirely.

States Should Legalize Marijuana

The Point New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy recently signed a bill making New Jersey the 14th state to legalize marijuana. Other states should follow suit.  Marijuana shouldn’t be used to lock people up or hold people back:  States must ensure that no one is arrested or incarcerated for possessing or selling marijuana. For decades, the […]

America Needs a Civilian Climate Corps

FDR’s Civilian Conservation Corps created three million jobs and planted over three billion trees. Biden’s Climate Corps should be even bolder, as we face dire economic and climate crises.