The Movement That Is Upending Landlords’ Power Over Tenants
There has been a ‘parabolic increase’ in cities and states giving tenants a right to counsel to help fight evictions.
There has been a ‘parabolic increase’ in cities and states giving tenants a right to counsel to help fight evictions.
Only 7 percent of tenants in the state have legal representation in eviction proceedings. A bill in the Connecticut house is trying to change that.
Whether the city will do more to keep people in their homes or simply do more of the same depends on who voters elect as the next mayor.
Jones says her experience transforming the treasurer’s office will make her an effective mayor. Voters will let candidates know what they think next week.
The four candidates vying to replace the mayor are each promising to build a better St. Louis, and in a little over a week, voters will decide which visions they endorse.
Numerous city councils and state legislatures are debating giving renters a right to counsel, which can make the difference between stability and catastrophe.
Landlords have continued forcing renters out of their homes, despite a patchwork of protections from federal and local governments. Now, with the CDC moratorium set to expire on Dec. 31, millions of Americans could be evicted.
“I have always had a focus on public service, always a desire to make sure that I’m using my skills and talents to help people and to make the community around me a little bit better,” she said.
Minnesotans, Fateh said, “should be able to access the folks that are representing us and make sure that they’re partnering with the community.”
Bowman has also advocated for an eviction moratorium and for rental payments to be cancelled for the duration of the pandemic.
The chef and restaurant owner is running for State Assembly in part to fight for a $15 minimum wage and other pro-worker reforms from within the halls of government.
Corporate backers of a group opposed to Proposition 21 don’t match the protective image it portrays. And a nonprofit that has contributed to supporters has been accused of financial improprieties.
‘Our Congress should be reflective of the people here, and it’s not,’ the Texas resident said.
The current Democratic state senator, Jeff Hayden, lacks the progressive vision that Minnesotans seek, Fateh says.
After defeating long-time incumbents in Democratic primaries, progressive candidates are championing cancelling rent and banning evictions.
Sports venues like the new SoFi Stadium have been crushing poor communities around the country for over a century.
Some corporate landlords who received federal PPP loans are notorious for mistreating tenants.
Many community development corporations assist not only tenants, but also a wider community of low-income people with a range of social services.
Some are striking because they can’t afford to pay the rent. Others are striking in protest against what they say is inhumane treatment.