Abolition Means No Digital Prisons
In this excerpt formerly incarcerated writer James Kilgore denounces the growing use of e-carceration technologies like ankle monitors.
In this excerpt formerly incarcerated writer James Kilgore denounces the growing use of e-carceration technologies like ankle monitors.
Spotlights like this one provide original commentary and analysis on pressing criminal justice issues of the day. You can read them each day in our newsletter, The Daily Appeal. “Under pressure from law enforcement, state lawmakers say they are now willing to make significant changes to the bail reform laws that have been in effect for less than […]
Reform advocates say the risk assessments are racially biased and are not effective at their key tasks: predicting the likelihood someone will return to court.
Around one-third of counties in the United States use the tools when making release decisions, but few monitor whether they work as intended.
In Cook County, Illinois, 99 percent of defendants deemed ‘high risk’ for pretrial violence don’t reoffend.
This month, two research scientists and an attorney published an op-ed about risk assessment tools, which are presented as ways to reduce personal bias in the criminal legal system.
With Hannah Sassaman and Matt Henry
The reality of risk assessment algorithms is complicated. Critics say bias can creep in at every stage, from development to implementation to application.
The passage of Senate Bill 10 would decimate the bail industry, but many advocates say it falls short of true reform.
Advocates in Philadelphia say a new tool to assist judges in sentencing could perpetuate bias.