Queens County D.A. Reiterates Commitment to Ending Cash Bail After Critics Say She Reneged
Melinda Katz, who was inaugurated Monday, is facing criticism over what some say is a broken campaign promise.
Melinda Katz, who was inaugurated Monday, is facing criticism over what some say is a broken campaign promise.
Cabán, the career public defender who lost a primary bid for district attorney in Queens County, New York, will help the political party build nationwide support in criminal justice elections.
Court records and interviews with former prosecutors show that internal assessments of police dishonesty are rarely memorialized, potentially violating the rights of people charged in criminal cases and sometimes keeping the records of bad cops clean.
16-year-olds won’t have to reappear in adult criminal court if they’re arrested when youth court isn’t in session.
Establishment candidate Melinda Katz declared a narrow victory in the New York City borough’s district attorney primary, but progressive Tiffany Cabán pushed the race to the left on issues like marijuana and sex work.
The public defender has garnered big-name endorsements and gained momentum heading into Tuesday’s primary.
New NYPD data show that in 2018 the department closed nearly 500 rape cases due to an alleged lack of participation from victims and had a declining clearance rate for rape, raising questions over its handling of sexual assault.
As the borough’s district attorney race takes shape, advocates press for changes to the office’s approach to people who reoffend.