Maryland Could Be the First State to Provide Lawyers for Tenants Facing Eviction
A bill passed by the state legislature, but yet to be enacted, would offer access to counsel for low-income renters.
A bill passed by the state legislature, but yet to be enacted, would offer access to counsel for low-income renters.
Ensuring renters have representation in housing court would help close a “justice gap” and be a life-saving intervention for those at risk of losing their homes.
KC Tenants has secured passage of a tenant “bill of rights” and successfully blocked hundreds of evictions through civil action in the Kansas City, Missouri area.
Landlords have continued forcing renters out of their homes, despite a patchwork of protections from federal and local governments. Now, with the CDC moratorium set to expire on Dec. 31, millions of Americans could be evicted.
COVID-19 is disproportionately putting Black and Latinx people at higher risk of eviction, fueling a housing crisis that is already in progress.