Could Gun Regulations Reduce Police Shootings?
A study found that in states requiring permits to purchase firearms, fatal and nonfatal police shootings were 28 percent lower.
A study found that in states requiring permits to purchase firearms, fatal and nonfatal police shootings were 28 percent lower.
We cannot punish our way out of gun violence. Instead, we must invest in dismantling the structures that allow this violence to thrive.
The blame game against trans people is just one of the many diversionary tactics the right has used in our intractable gun violence debate.
State Representative Todd Stephens has introduced a bill to impose a five-year minimum prison sentence for illegally possessing a firearm, but the governor, advocates, and others say it’s the wrong approach.
The Charlotte Observer built a narrative on gun crime that relies almost exclusively on police and prosecutors, ignores the violence of incarceration, and offers zero non-carceral solutions.
With Chesa Boudin, candidate for San Francisco district attorney
Murder rates are at an all-time low in Brooklyn, but one would hardly know it reading the New York Times.
Lawmakers say Republicans used deceptive tactics to pass the controversial bill. The legislative record tells a different story.
The program was supposed to target ‘leading’ violent offenders. Today it’s sweeping up low-level, and disproportionately Black, defendants.
Established to track anyone convicted of a gun-related offense, the registry has proved to be both racist and ineffective in reducing gun violence.
In response to an increase in violent crime, lawmakers, law enforcement, and various community members in Baltimore, Maryland are considering a plan that has proven ineffective at reducing crime for decades: mandatory minimum sentencing. Under a proposal announced last Friday, people caught in possession of an illegal firearm within 100 yards of a public space— including […]
Jeff Sessions is at it again. In yet another public statement, the Attorney General has voiced his support for a range of discredited or highly controversial criminal justice policies. This time, Sessions delivered a series of tough-on-crime bromides to the National District Attorneys Association: harsh penalties are the solution to drug addiction; broken-windows policing works; more criminal prosecutions […]