Pregnancy-Related Arrests Spiked During Last 16 Years, Report Finds
Legal experts who spoke with The Appeal warned the criminal justice system will continue to target pregnant people in the coming years.
Legal experts who spoke with The Appeal warned the criminal justice system will continue to target pregnant people in the coming years.
Two years’ worth of data shows how disproportionately the city’s police and prosecutors target certain neighborhoods.
Recent successes in stemming the opioid crisis could be reversed if public health budgets are cut or the crisis is seen as secondary to the pandemic.
The Metropolitan Police Department has discussed reducing arrests, but it has not formally announced any policy changes.
The authors reported that 29.4 percent of the possession cases involved Black individuals in a county where Black people make up only 8.9 percent of the population.
On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee voted 24-10 in favor of the MORE Act, which would legalize marijuana at the federal level.