The Next Virginia Governor Could Wipe Out New Voting Rights Gains
People with felony convictions who aren’t in prison can now vote. State elections could bring further progress or a sharp retreat.
People with felony convictions who aren’t in prison can now vote. State elections could bring further progress or a sharp retreat.
In challenging Larry Hogan, Ben Jealous details decarceration goals.
Governor Andrew Cuomo’s attitude on criminal justice has swung wildly in recent years. In 2016 he vetoed bipartisan legislation that would have strengthened New York’s public defense system, and he has rarely used his clemency powers. But this year Cuomo announced that he would restore the voting rights of tens of thousands of people by issuing pardons, and signed a bill establishing […]
Andrew Gillum and Ron DeSantis divided on criminal justice reform
The Appeal: Political Report previews the governor’s race in Georgia. Daniel Nichanian Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee in Georgia’s gubernatorial race, has made criminal justice reform central to her unusually progressive campaign. She has laid out a detailed platform with the stated goals of decreasing incarceration and facilitating the re-entry of people released from prison. The first priority she […]