Voters Beyond Big Cities Rejected Mass Incarceration in Tuesday’s Elections
A wave of progressive candidates prevailed in elections for prosecutor, overhauling the politics of criminal justice in Virginia and beyond.
A wave of progressive candidates prevailed in elections for prosecutor, overhauling the politics of criminal justice in Virginia and beyond.
Will 2019 grow the ranks of decarceral officials? The results will shape bail reform, policing and charging practices, ICE cooperation, voting rights, and more.
The November elections in Mississippi, Kentucky and Virginia could alter the politics of rights restoration and potentially expand the electorate.
“They’re trying to send Hispanics to Mexico or Honduras and put Black men in jail,” said one candidate regarding prevailing practices. “The United States is made for everybody.”
In a Q&A, Jennifer Riley Collins explains how she would fight overincarceration if she is elected as attorney general of Mississippi this November.
Medicaid expansion foe wins GOP primary, sets up November clash on an issue with deep implications for the criminal legal system.
Louisiana shed its status as the top incarcerator in the county last year, but the trend is fragile.
Criminal justice reforms have struggled in Mississippi, in part because of prosecutors’ lobbying. Will this change?
Competitive elections for prosecutor will shape the prospects of decarceral reforms, from Fairfax to Chesterfield.
Virginia is holding nearly 200 elections for commonwealth’s attorney and elections for sheriff. This page has a masterlist of the candidates whose name will be on the November ballot. Read our statewide primer here. Visit our election portal for more coverage of 2019 races for sheriff and prosecutor
Mississippi’s largest county will choose its next prosecutor in August. Jody Owens says he is running to “stop mass incarceration.”
In November, voters get to orient prosecutorial discretion and immigration policy in the second most populous county in Virginia.
New Yorkers voted in their DA primaries.
Our roundtable probes the stakes of the Queens DA election for criminal justice reform: “If there is room for reform anywhere in the boroughs of New York City, it is in Queens.”
Philadelphia ousts its sheriff. The Allegheny County DA wins the Democratic primary.
Tracey Lenox, a candidate for commonwealth’s attorney in Virginia’s Prince Williams County, talks to the Appeal: Political Report.
An incumbent sheriff faces three challengers in the Democratic primary.
Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala faces Turahn Jenkins, his first opponent in two decades, on Tuesday.
Criminal justice reform, discovery rules, immigration: What’s at stake in New York’s 2019 elections for DA?
New York holds 25 elections for district attorney and 16 elections for sheriff in 2019. This page has a masterlist of the candidates who filed party petitions.
Sheriff Patrick Russo faces no challengers. But the state legislature could act to restrict local cooperation with the federal agency.
Eleven New Jersey counties vote for their sheriff this year. These elections could shape immigration policy, law enforcement, and jail conditions.
Michael Brown’s mother lost her bid for City Council, but is one of many bringing personal experience with the criminal system to politics.
Pennsylvania holds 49 elections for district attorney in 2019. On this page, you can find a masterlist of the candidates who filed by the March deadline.
With the election looking on March 19, the Political Report reviews some of the stakes on policing practices, immigration, and transparency.
The head of a reform group jumps in Jackson’s election. But a DA about to face the Supreme Court is unopposed.
Mississippi holds 22 elections for district attorney in 2019. Here you can find a masterlist of the candidates who have filed to run in each district.
The county’s first deputy DA and chief public defender are running in the May 21 primary.
Tony Cummings, running for sheriff in Jacksonville’s March elections, lays out views on police accountability, civilian review boards, immigration.
An organizer with the Jacksonville Community Action Committee explains why her group is focused on the policing practices of the sheriff’s office, two months from local elections.
Aout 500 prosecutors and sheriffs will be elected in 2019, nearly all in Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Stephen Zappala draws first challenger since 1999.