
Centering Teams in Practice

How to Host Reflection
Sessions in Your Newsroom

At Times of High Stress, Create Space for Listening and Problem-Solving

When this happens, we identify that we need to pause what we’re doing and prioritize taking care of our team. So, we stop, reset, and hold reflection sessions to collectively address the team’s biggest challenges of the moment. 

We hope that demystifying how we handle stress and burnout at The Appeal will help you recognize and address tensions on your team before they boil over. 

How to Host Reflection Sessions in Your Newsroom

What is a
Reflection Session?

We created reflection sessions to make a safe place for people to talk out their frustrations during challenging times. But we didn’t want to leave our team feeling directionless afterward, so we designed these sessions with three goals in mind:

We then came up with a plan to achieve these goals by breaking our sessions up into three sections:

So far, our staff say reflection sessions have left them feeling heard and supported, and have eased tensions in our newsroom. And we walk away with actionable steps to improve how we work together. 

Here’s a template of The Appeal’s Listening Session slides and some guidance on how we lead our team through these conversations.

How to Host Reflection Sessions in Your Newsroom

How to a Prepare a
Reflection SessiON

A reflection session may sound like it involves no work. But, as a leader, you need to set your team up for success. Good communication is nobody’s default, so establishing a safe space for empathetic and productive conversations requires preparation. 

Here’s what you can do to get yourself and your team ready: 

How to Host Reflection Sessions in Your Newsroom

How to a Hold Your
Reflection Session

Now that you’ve put time and effort into preparing to reflect with your team, you can go into your session with calmness. Or not. If you’re anything like us, you’ll be nervous until the session begins, or until you share, or until the session is over. But trust us: the calmness will come. And even as a bundle of nerves, you can feel confident that you’ve done everything you can to set your team up for a safe and empathetic conversation.

As you get ready to lead your reflection session, here are some tips for making the most out of each section.

Centering Teams in Practice

How to Host Reflection
Sessions in Your Newsroom


Centering Teams in Practice

Building Newsrooms That SPUR Impact
and Support Journalists

The Appeal is a nonprofit news organization dedicated to exposing the harms of the criminal legal system, equipping readers with the information they need to make change, and elevating solutions that emerge from communities most impacted by policing, jails, and prisons.

In a country where nearly half of all American adults have had an immediate family member incarcerated, we are committed to sharing untold stories of incarcerated people, holding power to account, and examining alternatives to the criminal legal system.

As one of the first worker-led, nonprofit news organizations in the country, The Appeal is partnering with RJI to provide deeper insights on how to center care and collaboration in all types of organizations. This toolkit goes behind the scenes, offering practical tools and guidance for transforming newsrooms in both big and small ways.

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