Communities Need And Deserve A Reset Of Policing And The Justice System. Trump Has Created A Sham Process that Excludes Them.
Under the guise of restoring public confidence in law enforcement, President Trump’s secretive and regressive Commission on Law Enforcement is stacked with old-guard failed tough-on-crime thinking that precipitated the crisis of confidence we now face.

Want Prosecutorial Reform? Start With Curtailing The Influence Of Police Unions.
Removing police union influence from the prosecutor’s office is a critical first step towards building a system that is safe, just, and fair for all.

Prisons Are Overwhelmed With COVID-19. Why Aren’t Governors Doing More?
How governors respond to this pandemic will define their legacy. They all face a choice: save lives in prisons now, or hand down potential death sentences with their inaction and watch harm ripple through communities and exacerbate inequities into future generations.

Millions of Children Lose Their Parents To Incarceration. That Doesn’t Have To Happen.
Prosecutors can help implement policies that are better for families and communities.