Judges matter when it comes to treating kids like kids
Cuyahoga County prosecutor Michael O’Malley attempted to try a 15-year-old boy accused of murder as an adult. The child was accused of shooting 16-year-old Alexander Mullins in an abandoned building in Cleveland’s Slavic Village. O’Malley’s effort to try the child in adult court was rejected by Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Judge Alison Floyd, who found that the […]

SA Melissa Nelson (Office of the State Attorney for Florida’s Fourth Judicial Circuit) Elections matter: Florida’s 4th Judicial Circuit
In August 2016, Melissa Nelson overwhelmingly defeated Angela Corey to become the chief elected prosecutor in Northeast Florida. During her campaign, Nelson “assembled a coalition of support ranging from the National Rifle Association to liberal trial lawyers. Many were motivated by dislike of Corey, who had become an increasingly polarizing figure locally and nationwide.” It is […]

California Supreme Court finds “discriminatory bias” in prosecution’s use of peremptory jury strikes
The California Supreme Court overturned the 2012 convictions of three men after finding that Kern County prosecutors used peremptory strikes in a discriminatory manner to keep Latinos off their jury. According to the Los Angeles Times, “The unanimous decision, written by Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, appeared intended to send a clear signal to prosecutors, defense lawyers and the […]

Bail reform embraced by Cook County State’s Attorney
Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, whose office is responsible for prosecuting crimes in the nation’s second-larget county, has launched a new approach to pretrial detention. Foxx announced earlier this month that her office would be recommending that people charged with misdemeanors and low-level felonies who do not have a history of “violent crime” or pose a […]
Prosecutor pushes for Virginia man’s execution despite signs of serious mental illness
By all accounts William Morva has serious mental health issues, but he is still likely to be executed next month, with the prosecutor who convicted him pushing for his execution.

The sad, stupid and tragic fall of Seth Williams
The future was limitless for Seth Williams when he was sworn in as district attorney of Philadelphia almost eight years ago.

California district attorney resigns after pleading no contest to felony
Contra Costa District Attorney Mark Peterson has resigned in disgrace after taking thousands of dollars from his campaign account and spending it on meals, clothes and for other personal needs.
Dallas County prosecutors will not charge police in teenager’s tasing death
Police officers in Mesquite committed a crime when they tased a teenager in 2013 who would later die. But because it took the office of Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson so long to come to that conclusion, the officers cannot face criminal charges.
Ohio prosecutor seeks to deny DNA testing for man facing execution
In criminal cases, prosecutors are supposed to turn over favorable evidence to the defense. But Portage County Prosecutor Vic Vigluicci has a different idea of what he actually needs to hand over, and it’s now up to the Ohio Supreme Court to decide whether he’s violating the rules of evidence.
Honolulu prosecutor subject of criminal probe
Keith Kaneshiro, the city prosecutor in Honolulu, has become a suspect in a widening federal public corruption investigation that has already snared one of Kaneshiro’s top prosecutors and her husband, the city’s former police chief.
Honolulu prosecutor subject of criminal probe
Keith Kaneshiro, the city prosecutor in Honolulu, has become a suspect in a widening federal public corruption investigation that has already snared one of Kaneshiro’s top prosecutors and her husband, the city’s former police chief. Honolulu Police Chief Louis Kealoha has already resigned due to the far reaching inquiry. His wife, deputy prosecutor Katherine Kealoha, is also under investigation […]
Austin prosecutor declines to retry couple locked up for over 20 years
Travis County District Attorney Margaret Moore has acknowledged that the satanic child sex abuse crimes that have kept Dan and Fran Keller in prison for over a generation probably never happened.
Indiana prosecutor considers locking up mothers of newborns
Madison County prosecutor Rodney Cummings is considering criminally charging women who give birth to babies who show signs of drug addiction at birth by demonstrating withdrawal symptoms like tremors, excessive crying, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Appeals court admonishes district attorney candidate for misconduct
A candidate for district attorney in Ontario County, New York has been criticized by the state’s appellate court for prosecutorial misconduct.
Larry Krasner gets endorsement of Philadelphia black police officers union
Since Larry Krasner began his campaign for Philadelphia District Attorney, the consensus has been that he will have to win over the stringent objections of the Philadelphia police.
California man facing execution as District Attorney Mike Ramos disputes substantial evidence that he is innocent
Many people don’t think Kevin Cooper belongs on California’s death row. But the prosecutor’s office that sentenced him more than 30 years ago maintains he is guilty, and wants to see him executed.
District attorney defends prosecution of man convicted of killing father of basketball superstar Michael Jordan
It was the crime that caused the greatest basketball player in history to become a minor league baseball player who couldn’t hit a curve ball. And 20 years later, doubt has emerged over whether the man convicted of killing Michael Jordan’s father is actually the one who pulled the trigger.
Florida prosecutors begin dealing with unanimous jury requirement for death sentences
For decades Florida has had a death penalty system that allows prosecutors secure a death sentence with a simple majority, seven of 12 jurors, in favor.
Michigan man’s exoneration after decades in prison shows importance of holding prosecutors accountable
Ledura Watkins spent 41 years in prison for a murder he did not commit. And the only evidence prosecutors had against Watkins in the early 1970’s was a single hair.
Orleans district attorney Leon Cannizzaro sought to jail domestic violence victim
Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro sought to jail a victim of domestic violence after she refused to to to respond to a fake subpoena his office sent her demanding that she meet with them.
Number of people locked up in rural jails is skyrocketing
A new report shows that the number of people locked up in rural jails has continued to significantly increase, making it difficult to decrease the total number of people locked up in the United States.
Longtime Miami prosecutor faces criticism after failing to prosecute corrections officers
After almost a quarter century in the job, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle is facing criticism like never before.
Utah case shows difficulty in holding unethical prosecutors accountable
Prosecutors have an enormous amount of power, and are very rarely held accountable when that power is abused.