The Appeal Podcast Episode 6: The Unique Cruelty of Sentencing Children to Life Without Parole
With journalist Victoria Law.

The Appeal Podcast Episode 5: How Silicon Valley Supports LAPD Surveillance
With Appeal staff reporter George Joseph.

The Appeal Podcast Episode 4: How Prison Reform Was Co-Opted to Sell More Prisons
With journalists Raven Rakia and Ashoka Jegroo.

The Appeal Podcast Episode 3: Turning Users Into Dealers and Overdoses into Murders
Guest Zachary A. Siegel is a journalist covering the opioid crisis.

Announcing The Appeal Podcast
Our debut episodes feature Josie Duffy Rice on prosecutors and Melissa Gira Grant on criminalizing sex work.

The Appeal Podcast Episode 2: The Misplaced Sanctimony of Criminalizing Sex Work
With Melissa Gira Grant, senior staff reporter at The Appeal.

The Appeal Podcast Episode 1: District Attorneys Are The Most Powerful People You’ve Never Heard Of
With Josie Duffy Rice, senior staff reporter at The Appeal.

St. Louis Police Team Up with Media to Smear Black Lives Matter Protesters
On September 15th, a Missouri judge found white former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley not guilty of the 2011 slaying of black motorist Anthony Lamar Smith. The second the verdict was announced and activists poured into the streets to protest, local police and government officials with the help of local and national media began framing the […]