The third season of Justice in America launches February 26.

The third season of Justice in America launches February 26. You can find it on iTunes, Stitcher, SoundClou
Hosted by Josie Duffy Rice, president of The Appeal, each episode of Justice in America focuses on a different topic in the criminal justice system. Through conversation, storytelling, media, and interviews, the show sheds light on how our system functions, and the ways in which it disproportionately harms poor people and people of color.
This season, the show features four guest co-hosts, including Darnell Moore, activist and author of the critically acclaimed book No Ashes in the Fire; Donovan Ramsey, writer and author of When Crack was King, a forthcoming history of the crack epidemic; Zak Cheney-Rice, a staff writer at New York Magazine; and Derecka Purnell, lawyer, writer, and deputy director at Spirit of Justice Center.
This season will cover topics including the death penalty, parole and probation, forensic science, the child welfare system, the school to prison pipeline, and police accountability. Guests this season include Sherrilyn Ifill, the president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Alicia Garza, activist, writer, and co-founder of Black Lives Matter, and Radley Balko, journalist at the Washington Post.
Check out the teaser, and make sure to subscribe to hear the first episode of Season 3 on Wednesday, February 26.