More in Universal Basic Income

New Jersey Governor’s “Baby Bonds” Plan Is A First Step Towards Closing The Racial Wealth Gap. It Should Go Further And The Nation Should Follow Suit.
Baby bonds are a good start toward changing the discriminatory status quo, but limiting it to New Jersey is shortsighted.

The Mississippi Program That’s Showing How Effective Direct Cash Transfers Can Be
Researchers say that programs like the Magnolia Mother’s Trust, which gives Black women $1,000 a month, could be crucial in reducing the racial wealth gap.

Universal Basic Income Is A Path To A More Just Economy. One California City Is Already Seeing Positive Results.
The pandemic is making it clear that it’s time to radically rethink the social contract.

Governors Who Are Banding Together on Pandemic Response Should Adopt Universal Basic Income
The federal government is not going to lead the way on addressing the economic pain caused by the shutdowns. But states have the power to do something about it now.

Voters Want Guaranteed Paychecks Through The Pandemic
Voters want the government to take common sense measures that meet the scale of the crisis and preserve the economy so that when the coronavirus is contained, economic life can resume as rapidly as possible. It’s time for lawmakers in Washington, D.C. to listen.