More in Racism

The Cops at the Capitol
Law enforcement officers from around the country attended and supported last week’s rally in support of President Trump that sparked a riot.

For a Glimpse of the Racial Justice Protests’ Staying Power, Look To Detroit
Under the banner of Detroit Will Breathe, the city’s Black Lives Matter activists have formed a cohesive and lasting local political force.

Lawmakers Push For The Federal Government To Treat Racism As A Public Health Crisis
Members of Congress have introduced a bill that would create a National Center on Anti-Racism in Health.

Trump’s Voter Fraud Lie Is the Oldest Trick in the Book
The president’s fearmongering over mail-in ballots is part of a long history of politicians denying members of marginalized communities, and particularly Black people, the right to vote.

The Case For Racism Response Funds – A Collective Response To Racist Acts
Through this mechanism, communities can accept accountability for the racism they allow to flourish by failing to disrupt it.