Speaking Out About Prison Conditions Is Risky. Incarcerated People Do It Anyway.
Even when retaliation is likely, people speak out about the violence and abuse they experience and witness.
Even when retaliation is likely, people speak out about the violence and abuse they experience and witness.
South Carolina’s decision not to evacuate people in prison in the evacuation zone is consistent with an indifference to the humanity of those in prison.
With Jailhouse Lawyers Speak spokesperson and Right 2 Vote national coordinator Amani Sawari
The Bureau of Prisons’ South Central regional director utilized incarcerated people from a Texas prison to work on a landscaping project at his church.
Corcoran state prison has a history of abuse that includes forcing prisoners into ‘gladiator fights.’
Most prison strikes are met with retaliation and abuse, but one recent work stoppage is starting to pay off.
Meanwhile, the abysmal medical care that helped spark the riot persists.
‘Cold case’ playing cards were just introduced into Delaware prisons in hopes of producing tips on unsolved homicides—but critics warn that informants cultivated behind bars can be dangerously unreliable.
As media attention wanes, “this is the most dangerous period with any prisoner action,” one organizer said.
An imprisoned organizer with Jailhouse Lawyers Speak said prison officials are trying to identify those leading the strike.
Now in its second week, a strike staged by prisoners over poor conditions, low wages, and other issues is resulting in consequences, including harsh conduct reports and placements in solitary confinement.
Prisoners are striking to end death by incarceration, prison slavery and poor living conditions.