It’s Time To Lower The Voting Age To 16
Grown adults have voted their way into the current morass in this country. Now is the time for a younger generation to lead the way.
Grown adults have voted their way into the current morass in this country. Now is the time for a younger generation to lead the way.
Ramos v. Louisiana is a long-overdue affirmation of the constitutional rights of criminal defendants—and sets the stage for dramatic Supreme Court fights in the years ahead.
Four transgender women say clinicians and staff deny them gender-affirming care and see their identity as in conflict with sex offender treatment.
If his conviction stands, it could criminalize people who refuse to do things like unlock their phones or garages at police request.
If there’s a chance you could wind up in jail, you have the right to an attorney whether or not you can afford one. The U.S. Supreme Court has reaffirmedand clarified this right more than once, in doing so making clear that it applies to both misdemeanor and felony offenses. Yet in Nashville, Tennessee, defendants in misdemeanor courts aren’t […]