
Centering Teams in Practice

How to Take a
Collective Break

By Resting When Our Audience Rests, We Meet Their Needs Throughout the Year

At The Appeal, we’re big on living our values, so we take our commitment to “Self and Community Care” seriously. This means the sacrifices involved in collective rest (yes, maybe not publishing that breaking story) are worth it to us for the health of our team and the sustainability of our newsroom. By taking planned, intentional breaks, we can help minimize burnout and turnover.

For a lot of newsrooms that don’t publish daily news or employ hundreds of people, there’s another option to constantly trying to find reluctant volunteers to work on holidays: give everyone a break. 

At The Appeal, we close down twice a year: For one week over summer, and two weeks over winter. And we’re in good company. Scalawag does it. So does The Markup

Here’s why you should consider it, and how to implement it, in your newsroom.

How to Take a Collective Break


As with anything in a business, you can’t just make a decision and hope it turns out for the best, and closing the doors even for a few days is just the same. We’re incredibly thankful to Your Other Half, who helped us think through how to carefully implement short-term breaks and successfully lead our team through them. 

Here are our biggest takeaways:

How to Take a Collective Break

Covering Your Bases

Traffic in many newsrooms dips over the holidays and at the height of summer. Recognizing that no one was clamoring for our work during this time helped us realize we would not fail to serve our audience by taking care of ourselves. By resting when our audience rests, we ensure we can better meet their needs for the rest of the year.

Realistically, much of the pressure we feel to maximize productivity at the expense of well-being is internal, not external. The Appeal benefits immensely from having an incredibly driven team with an unparalleled work ethic. But that means we have to take extra care to maintain the health of our team.

We build time into our newsroom’s workflow to prepare for closures so people actually have the time and space to rest without worrying if everything got done. 

Here are some tips for how we make sure to cover your bases in advance:

How to Take a Collective Break

Enjoy the break

Now that you’ve put in the work to ensure a restful time off for your team, enjoy! Grab a book, a plane ticket, or a recipe, and indulge in your favorite self-care practices. We all do the best work when we are the best versions of ourselves, so invest in all the things that brighten your day and fill your cup.

Centering Teams in Practice

Building Newsrooms That SPUR Impact
and Support Journalists

The Appeal is a nonprofit news organization dedicated to exposing the harms of the criminal legal system, equipping readers with the information they need to make change, and elevating solutions that emerge from communities most impacted by policing, jails, and prisons.

In a country where nearly half of all American adults have had an immediate family member incarcerated, we are committed to sharing untold stories of incarcerated people, holding power to account, and examining alternatives to the criminal legal system.

As one of the first worker-led, nonprofit news organizations in the country, The Appeal is partnering with RJI to provide deeper insights on how to center care and collaboration in all types of organizations. This toolkit goes behind the scenes, offering practical tools and guidance for transforming newsrooms in both big and small ways.

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