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Silja J.A. Talvi

Si­lja J.A. Talvi is a vet­er­an in­ves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist who has re­ceived 18 re­gion­al and na­tion­al awards for ex­cel­lence in jour­nal­ism and ed­i­to­ri­als. Her work has appeared in over 80 pub­li­ca­tions in the U.S. and Eu­rope, as well as nu­mer­ous book antholo­gies. Talvi has writ­ten two books in­clud­ing, “Women Be­hind Bars: The Cri­sis of Women in the U.S. Pri­son Sys­tem.”

Women Report ‘Rampant’ Sexual Abuse at Federal Prison Where Ghislaine Maxwell Is Held

Issues of mismanagement and sexual misconduct have put federal women’s prisons in the spotlight. But one scan­dal-plagued facility—FCI Tal­la­has­see—has es­caped serious scru­tiny, even as an Appeal investigation reveals an ongoing his­to­ry of sex­u­al vi­o­lence, re­tal­i­a­tion, and oth­er con­sti­tu­tion­al abus­es that have left prisoners living in fear.