Countering The NYPD’s Neighborhood Policing Scam
In New York City, chants of “I can’t breathe” have given way to neatly run press conferences featuring Mayor Bill de Blasio’s boasts about how the NYPD’s “neighborhood policing” program, described as a collaborative crime-fighting strategy, brings the police and community together. Eric Garner’s killer still on the job and hasn’t faced justice? A horrifying story of rape involving cops from […]

Stop and Frisk Apologies Prove that the Mic Must be Passed to People Most Affected by the Police
National Review, the influential right-wing magazine, recently raised eyebrows for its public mea culpa on being wrong about New York City’s Stop and Frisk program, which peaked at nearly 700,000 police stops in 2012 but has reportedly declined dramatically since. The magazine, like most conservative media (and even Democratic strategists), predicted gloom and doom if the police department’s […]

Starving The Beast: Chicago’s Fight Against Police Expansion is Everyone’s Fight
On November 7th, Chicago’s City Council voted for the city to buy a 30-acre plot of land where a new $95 million dollar police and fire academy will be built. However, intense opposition against the academy — including an impassioned speech by Chicago’s own Chance The Rapper — has come to symbolize a broader battle by youth activists to curtail police power. Brianna […]

Dispatch: The Torrid Love Affair Between Liberals and Bill “Broken Windows” Bratton
Dispatches is our series from organizers, attorneys, officials, and others working at the frontlines of local criminal justice reform.

Commentary: Ripping Off Cy Vance’s Mask
On October 19th, a few dozen public defenders and grassroots activists showed up outside the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office to rip the reformer mask off of one of America’s most well-known prosecutors.