Democrats’ Win in Georgia Shows What Voters Really Want From Government
It’s time for political leaders, no matter their party, to listen to voters—and provide financial relief from the pandemic.
Voters Demand Protection and Funding for the USPS
Executive Summary By substantial margins, nearly all segments of voters prefer the USPS be funded as an essential service like the military, rather requiring it to cover its own costs like a business. We asked voters whether they think either (a) that the USPS should be funded as an essential service similar to the fire […]
Voter in Key States Support Expanded Unemployment Insurance
Executive Summary At the end of July, the expanded unemployment insurance (UI) benefit — passed as part of the “Coronavirus Aid and Relief Act” (CARES) — expired. In the month of July, expanded UI provided approximately 30 million unemployed Americans an extra $600 per week. The goal of this policy was to ensure that workers […]

Voters Want Guaranteed Paychecks Through The Pandemic
Voters want the government to take common sense measures that meet the scale of the crisis and preserve the economy so that when the coronavirus is contained, economic life can resume as rapidly as possible. It’s time for lawmakers in Washington, D.C. to listen.